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Is Photography Allowed or Banned in Agara Lake? Guide to Photography at Agara Lake, Bengaluru



Is Photography Allowed or Banned in Agara Lake?

When you say professional Photography, it is not allowed in Agara Lake, Bangalore. However, you have the freedom to capture snapshots or videos through your mobile phone. 

This is not just the case with Agara Lake but most other similar spots will not allow you to go ahead with photography. There are a few important reasons why this is not allowed and the good part is that this is the case since its inception. 


Why Do the Authorities of Agara Lake Not Allow Photography?

Agara Lake is a serene location and hence you are not supposed to enter here with your DSLR or any other professional camera. The lake attracts tons of beautiful migratory birds and as we know that birds are lovers of peace.

If the lake authorities allow one to enter with such professional shooting equipment then it will create an unnecessary hassle. The birds will not find solace in the same and will ultimately not frequent the lake anymore. This will surely end up damaging the beauty of the spot and hence authorities have taken strict action against it as well. 

Does That Mean You Cannot Take Any Photos At All?

You must have seen that there are a lot of pictures on the Internet available for the lake. The park does allow you to take photographs with your mobile phones and this is mostly because it does not involve much hassle. You are not supposed to enter the premises with a professional camera.

However, it might be possible that you are not able to find any formal notices that say the same. Most visitors have an experience where they were told by the caretaker to not carry or use the DSLR camera. check out what people are saying about photography in Agara lake. If you do want to take a couple of pictures, you will see that there is a notice which specifies that there are specific photography services for those who want them. 

Where Can You Get Photographs of the Lake?

If you want to get regular photos of the spot, then you can choose to get it with the help of their official Facebook profile. It is quite a well-maintained profile and the good thing is that you will be able to get all the recent photos as well. During the season, they will even make sure to add photos of the beautiful migratory birds which frequent the spot. 

Agara Lake is beautiful and if you want to take photos, just use your mobile. It's better not to disturb the tranquillity or the essence of a natural spot.

Caution! There are snakes in the lake and especially near the bushes. Be careful when you take photos. Don’t be so busy taking pictures that you miss noticing a cobra.

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