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Are Cycles Allowed in Agara Lake? | Rules for Cycling in Agara Lake



Are Cycles Allowed in Agara Lake? | Rules for Cycling in Agara Lake

We'll discuss the following-

1. Why was cycling banned in Agara Lake?

2. How is the cycling track in Agara Lake?

3. When did they restart cycling once again?

4. What are the new rules for cycling in Agara Lake?

5. When is the right time to do cycling in Agara Lake?

The Agara Lake in Bangalore is one of the most beautiful locations. Such is the scenic beauty that a lot of people find solace in when it comes to cycling around Agara Lake. However, recently there was a lot of confusion on this topic and there was a constant banter about whether one should allow cyclists or not. And people still have doubts can you cycle in Agara Lake?

The lake is a part of the Varthur Lake series and the fresh air is something which will make your day for sure! The good thing is that you would also be able to get the cycles on the tract as well and rent it for a quick ride! But this all came to halt a couple of years back. Why?


What Does the Agara Cycling Tract Look Like?

When it comes to Agara Lake, there are a lot of mixed opinions about whether one should allow them or not. The lake tract as of now is divided between two. One lane is for cyclists only and the other can be shared between both pedestrians as well as cyclists. The lanes are usually marked out in different colours so that one can identify them better. The beauty of the spot is indeed no doubt exasperating and hence it is a common spot for morning walks or jogs.

However, since cycling resumed in this part, it became an exceptionally big problem. One of the major reasons behind this is that the area is riddled with some two-wheeler riders who find it difficult to move through the traffic jam and want an easy escapade. The sound from the two-wheelers makes the cycling ride deplorable as it can be difficult to enjoy the scenic beauty. (See what the report says)

                                          A Serene View of Agara Lake, HSR Layout, Bangalore

Why Was Cycling Banned In Agara Lake?

One of the major reasons why cycling was banned inside Agara Lake was because of major safety issues. As we have already mentioned, the lake is frequented by those who even go for a morning walk by the lake. It was seen a lot of times when the tract was wet, the cyclists made more damage to the tract. Not only that, they even posed a threat to the ones walking and were so irresponsible they even caused accidents. There were usual calls to the police about these injuries and it had become quite a common affair as well. 

It is because of this reason that cycling was banned in Agara Lake for a good two years. There were enough complications between the cyclists and the authorities. There was also a common complaint that the former left the cycles anywhere they wanted to and this further caused more injuries than expected. After all, some kids even frequent the tract and hence this decision was taken up.

Has the Cycling Tract Been Restored? Are Cycles Allowed in Agara Lake Now?

The cycling track alongside Agara Lake is about 2.5 km long and it has been reconstructed in a different way. Recently cycling was allowed again after the restoration of the tracks. The authorities say that currently, they have limited the number of cyclists in the area because they do not want future complications.
Not only that, but they also promote being more responsible. 

New Cycling Rules at Agara Lake Have Been Implemented

If you are cycling on the tract, you cannot choose to leave the cycle anywhere you want to. Not only that, even if there is too much traffic on the track, you are not supposed to move out from the track. If you are caught doing so, it can involve legal implications as well. This has made the situation a bit better for sure. (Source)

Latest Development of the Agara Lake

The Agara Lake has become a focal point of development in the HSR Layout area in Bangalore. You will see that there are tons of enthusiastic people who frequent the hub and cycle at this point. The one problem that you might face here is that it is difficult to park your cycles here. 

Other than that, the authorities have taken enough attention and made the cycling tract smooth as well. As of now, if you are responsible while cycling, it should not be very difficult for you. 

As cyclists, you will be able to cycle during the morning as well as the evening hours. However, always make sure that you are careful enough and do not cause any problems to other cyclists or pedestrians. You will be able to see a few unique migratory birds during the season!
Apart from that, there are options for renting a pedal cycle as well. (Source)

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